Issue #96: Beef industry in crisis (can we save our ranchers?) - Heart & Soil Supplements

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Issue #96: Beef industry in crisis (can we save our ranchers?)

Hey Heart & Soil Tribe,

The food we eat represents much more than calories and nutrients on a plate.

It represents a fundamental part of a nation’s culture, bringing its people together to bond, remember, and celebrate.

In Italy they have spaghetti. France has onions. Mexico has corn. Other countries have rice and potatoes.

But WE have beef.

From the cowboy trails of Texas to the finest restaurants in Manhattan, beef is enmeshed in the fabric of our society, economy, geography and history.

The ranchers responsible for bringing this food to our tables are the backbone of the American economy and culture.

And NOTHING beats an American summer when the weather is fine and there’s a 2-inch-thick ribeye on the grill. 

have you got yours for Memorial Day yet?

For a while, it looked like plant-based diets were going to take the crown and beef might fall out of fashion. 

But that ain’t happening. Beyond Meat stock has fallen. Plant-based restaurants are closing due to a lack of demand. And celebrities are abandoning their vegan diets in droves. 

Instead, animal-based diets are trending and people are becoming radically healthy by eating MORE meat. 

But that doesn’t mean this American way of life isn’t under threat.

Because our cattle ranchers are facing a great extinction, and if we lose them, we’ll have lost a big part of what made this country great. Part of the problem is that the beef industry has become increasingly concentrated. Just four companies—Cargill, JBS, Tyson, and National Beef—now control 85% of the beef at your grocery store, dictating prices and squeezing both consumers and ranchers.

With the Big Four controlling the industry, ranchers who fed America for generations are being paid less and forced out, while we, as consumers, face higher prices. 

Things are looking so bad that the 2022 Department of Agriculture Census shows we’ve lost nearly 107,000 cattle farms and ranches between 2017 and 2022.

And our cattle herd has collapsed to an unprecedented size, hitting a 73-year all-time low.

These aren’t just statistics. 

It’s the erosion of our nation’s backbone and the disappearance of a way of life that once defined us.

It’s hollowing out rural communities, leading to the closure of local schools, farm supply stores, and healthcare services.

As our food system becomes increasingly centralized and under the control of profit-seeking multinational corporations, it threatens the security of our nation’s food supply.

And what about the impact on our nation’s health?

Radical health should be a fundamental birthright for each and every American. 

Yet how can we ever hope to achieve that when our food systems are compromised?

We all need to rally together on this.

If we value real food from American soil, then we must support the ranchers and farmers who produce it.

That’s why we advocate for buying direct from your nearest ranchers and farmers where possible.

It’s why we’re investing in American ranchers with the launch of our first-ever product which is 100% made in America, from farm to capsule.

So many of you have been asking us for this special product, and we’ve spent four years making it a reality.

It’s coming this Wednesday May 15!

If you want early access and a special launch discount, be sure to sign up for the waitlist below

This week on Instagram:

This week on Radical Health Radio:

65: Tackling Mold and Revamping US Food System Ft. Dr. Anthony Gustin

This week on the Blog:

The 7 Best Healthy Alternatives To Vegetable Oil

That’s all from us this week…

Keep thriving!

The Heart & Soil Team

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