Did James Wilks Get Anything Right Against Chris Kresser? With Brian Sanders Of Food Lies | Heart & Soil Supplements

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Did James Wilks Get Anything Right Against Chris Kresser? With Brian Sanders of Food Lies

Did James Wilks win the debate with Chris Kresser in defense of the Game Changers? Not a chance. Listen to Brian I break this one down in detail as we illustrate how he fell far short of his goal while mis representing data and using shady tactics to make Chris look bad. And guess what? I know how to read a forest plot! 

Detailed show notes (12 pages!!) for this episode can be found here. All of the references are there with a full breakdown of the episode.

Brian Sanders is the host of the Peak Human podcast and the man behind the anticipated movie Food Lies- a film examining human nutrition, evolution and regenerative agriculture. 

Time Stamps: 

[12:20] Wilks complains how the meat industry research is largely funded by interest groups, but this is the case with all industries

[14:40] Dairy products and cancer association 

[18:45] James Wilks completely misinterpreted the Dairy Product Consumption and Prostate Cancer RIsk in the United States 

[16:20] The issue with epidemiological studies 

[20:19] Does dairy cause inflammation?

[24:50] Dairy has actually been proven to have health promoting components

[26:25] Wilks falsely claims that Richard Wrangham, British primatologist and Harvard Anthropologist, believes that ancestors were primarily plant eaters throughout evolution

[29:20] The reliance or sudden ability to get meat allowed our brains to grow

[38:40] Wilks claims that meat consumption causes inflammation

[53:50] Does a high protein diet cause kidney problems?

[55:02] High protein does not cause problems with bone density

[56:50] Heme iron and N-nitroso compounds 

[1:08:30] If red meat is so bad for you why do some cultures live longer while eating lots of meat?

[1:09:10] Meat intake and cause-specific mortality: a pooled analysis of Asian prospective cohort study 

[1:10:25] Athletes and carbohydrates 

[1:17:45] Forest Plots 

[1:19:00] Vitamin B12 in lake water

[1:22:40] Vitamin B12 from unwashed vegetables

[1:24:03] Vitamin B12 supplements and cattle

[1:26:58] James claims it’s because of the pesticides that the soils are depleted but this is not true 

[1:28:17] Wilks brings up a point about omnivores and how some are deficient in B12

[1:30:22] Fiber and the microbiome 

[1:31:45] Meat and inflammation  

[1:34:02] Magnitude and timing of the postprandial inflammatory response to a high-fat meal in healthy adults: a systematic review

[1:37:45] Vegetables, inflammation, and oxidative stress

[1:41:38] It is hard to accept that vegetables aren’t as great as they are made out to be

[1:44:20] Paul’s first episode on Peak Human talking about the WHO report and the IARC

[1:45:18] NutriRECS 2019 meat recommendations 

[1:46:15] Harvard, Walter Willett, and industry funding

[1:49:57] More on red meat and cancer 

[1:50:24] Appropriately planned vegan diets 

[1:52:55] Protein quantity on a vegan diet

[1:55:20] Protein amounts and calories 

[1:56:10] Leucine & protein quality

[1:59:47] Problems with pea protein 

[2:00:30] Digestible indispensable amino acid score (DIAAS) and protein quality

[2:10:55] Flow-mediated dilatation  

[2:14:00] Conclusion and takeaways of the podcast

Brian/Food Lies contact info:




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