Issue #104: 9 Health Facts That Will Blow Your Mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

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| 3 min read

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind

Hello Heart & Soil Tribe,

This week, we’re highlighting 9 mind-blowing facts about health that every Radical Health Seeker needs to know. 

This information might change your entire perspective on health… and make you question everything you thought to be true.

We wish this information was discussed more often in doctors’ offices and the mainstream media…

Because knowledge is the first step in making the best decisions for our health.

Let’s dive in 👇

9 mind-blowing facts every Radical Health Seeker needs to know

#1: 88% of Americans are metabolically unhealthy

👉 Be the 12%.

#2: The average American spends 93% of their time indoors

👉 Don’t be average.

#3: Avoiding the sun is about as likely to kill you as smoking cigarettes. 

👉 Get more sun.

#4: Plastic containers release as many as 4.22 million microplastic and 2.11 billion nanoplastic particles within 3 min of microwave heating. Storage at room temperature and refrigeration can also release millions to billions of microplastics and nanoplastics (link). 

Bet you’re glad we only use glass bottles at Heart & Soil now 😉

👉 Ditch the plastic and store your food in glass.

#5: Soybean oil (one of the most prevalent seed oils) may cause genetic changes to the brain, including dysregulation of your ‘love’ hormone, oxytocin. Granted, this study was in mice, but we won’t be volunteering for the human trials anytime soon. 💔

👉 Avoid seed oils like the plague.

#6: 95% of the USDA Dietary Guidelines committee members were found to have conflicts of interest (💰💰💰) to large food and pharmaceutical companies, including Kellogg’s, Abbott, Kraft and General Mills.

👉 Mainstream nutritional health authorities cannot be trusted to put your interests before the interests of food and pharmaceutical companies.

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

#7: The average 22 year-old male today has roughly the same testosterone levels as a 67 year old had in the year 2000.

👉 Protect and support your hormones 🛡⚔️

#8: A recent study in the British Journal of Sports Medicine found exercise to be 1.5x more effective for treating mental health conditions like depression, anxiety and distress than conventional treatments such as medication and therapy.

👉Exercise is a powerful medicine and will radically improve your life.

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

#9: The leading cause of bankruptcy in the United States is due to medical bills. 

👉 Pay your farmer now or your doctor later.

Closing Thoughts

If there is one thing takeaway here, it’s that the mainstream health and medical paradigms are NOT capable of guiding you to radical health. 

You might even say they are corrupted and broken.

At Heart & Soil, we’re taking a very different approach.

We’re a small company of about 30 people, and unlike the companies that make up the food and pharmaceutical industries, we genuinely care about our customers.

And our mission is to offer the world’s highest form of nutrition while inspiring and guiding them toward radical health & vitality 🙌

This week on Instagram:

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

This week on Radical Health Radio:

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

How to Become a “High T” Man ft. Christian Van Camp | Ep. 75

This week on YouTube:

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

The Scary Truth of Declining Testosterone

This week on the Blog:

Pregnancy Diet: Why Animal Foods Are Crucial

Customer Review Of The Week: Warrior Stack

Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #104: 9 health facts that will blow your mind | Heart & Soil Supplements

That’s all from us this week…

Keep thriving!

The Heart & Soil Team

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