Issue #114: 7 ways to improve your health immediately - Heart & Soil Supplements

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| 5 min read

Issue #114: 7 ways to improve your health immediately

Hello Heart & Soil Tribe

It’s officially October, which means we are 75% of the way through 2024.

It also means the holiday season is almost upon us, where many people will throw in the towel on their health goals until January 2025.

Let’s not do that. Let’s finish 2024 as the healthiest versions of ourselves we’ve ever been.

Here are 7 things you can start doing to finish 2024 radically healthy:

#1. Health is wealth.

You have to start with the mindset that your health is the most valuable resource you have. A lack of health is worse than a lack of money. Your energy, your vitality, your quality of life, that all comes from your body.

Fall in LOVE with pursuing health. Sure, it can be hard work, but it will reward you with the most valuable and wonderful gift ever – radical health.

#2. Get early morning sunlight

There is a hardwired clock in our brains set to a 24 hour cycle, and getting early morning sunlight is how you ensure it stays on track.

This clock is a master mechanism that determines the health of our hormones, our energy levels and metabolic function.

Wake up with the sun and go to sleep when it gets dark, just as 99.99% of humans before us have always done (before we messed it all up by inventing artificial lights and smart phones).

#3. Move slow everyday

Walk as much possible. 10k steps is a great target, that’s about 5 miles. Don’t sit for longer than an hour without walking. 10 minutes walks, get in as many as you can. Go for a longer 30 minute walk in morning or evening. This isnt “cardio” it’s just being not sedentary. Because walking has always been (and still is) our default state. 

#4. Move fast 1-2 times per week

Your body’s bloodflow and ability to use oxygen is fundamental to health. And intense cardio is one of the most effective and efficient ways to improve it. Options include incline walking, sprints, jump rope, martial arts, tennis, swimming, exercise bike – basically anything intense that you can do intervals with for 30 minutes or so.

#5. Lift heavy things

What matters for permanent metabolic change and being healthy is lean mass, MUSCLE. More muscle is more strength is more robust and functional living. Aim to work your whole body every week at least once, all major muscles, twice if you have time. Keep it simple and establish objective bench marks for getting stronger with pushups, pullups, squats, lunges. Track your reps and weight. Do a little more each time. This is one of the single best investments you will ever make with your time.

#6. Improve the quality of your diet

Replace all processed foods with whole foods, prioritizing high-quality animal foods for your protein and fat, and seasonal fruit, raw dairy and raw honey for your carbohydrates.

Yes this is an animal-based diet… it’s remarkably simple, always delicious, and incredibly effective at transforming your health!

Janique lost 42lbs in 6 months by eating this way, but more importantly, she says: 

“My energy levels have tripled. I feel better than I have in years! Eating as much as I want of quality grass-fed meat, raw organic dairy & organic fruit, I never need to count calories!”

And here’s Evan:

“I eat a seasonal animal-based diet, that includes organs, as well as eating local meat and the least toxic plant foods. The list of improvements to my health is incredibly long, including the cessation of my 10 years of depression, anxiety, symptoms of Ankylosing Spondylitis, GI issues, asthma, insomnia, and ADHD.”

#7. Get organs

Since you’re reading the newsletter of an organ supplement company, we presume you are already a big believer in these superfoods. 

But it’s the perfect time to remind you that organs contain more micronutrients (aka vitamins and minerals) per calorie than just about every other food on the planet.

When Weston A Price studied indigenous populations in the early 20th Century, he documented how they ALL ate nose-to-tail: liver, heart, kidney, marrow, intestines. All of it. 

=>> Go here to shop the finest quality organ supplements on the planet

We are confident that if you begin implementing these 7 things, you will see dramatic improvements in your health.

Even the simple act of a daily 30 minute walk can have huge improvements in your ability to focus, manage stress, sleep better, and have less aches and pains.

But when you combine all 7 strategies together, you’re living a lifestyle that’s congruent with how humans have always lived, and laying the foundation for true radical health.

That’s all from us this weekend,

Stay radical!

The Heart & Soil Team

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Does the Ray Peat Diet Heal Metabolism? ft. Kate Deering | Ep. 86

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