Happy (almost) Halloween Heart & Soil Tribe!
Halloween began as an ancient Celtic festival to celebrate the end of summer.
They believed it was the night the connection between the spirit world and our world opened, making it easier for the souls of the dead to return.
Those are the spooky origins anyway.
But nowadays, Halloween is more of a glorified candy festival, with many kids eating the equivalent of 3 cups of processed sugar (not to mention the artificial colors like red dye 40) from their trick-or-treat haul.
Artificial food dyes are especially concerning.
The FDA set safe limits back in the 1960s, ranging from 2.5 to 7.5 mg/kg per day, depending on the dye.
However, the amount of dyes certified for consumption has increased from 12 mg per person per day in 1950 to 62 mg per person per day in 2010.
Although the FDA’s acceptable daily intake (ADI) levels have not changed much, recent studies suggest these limits may not fully protect children from neurobehavioral effects.
Research shows that even as little as 30 milligrams of synthetic food dyes can trigger hyperactivity, inattentiveness, and other behavioral issues in kids.
And what’s even scarier is that in Europe, many of these dyes are illegal!
Now locking your kids in the basement and cancelling Halloween will probably do more harm than good, but here’s some tips to minimize their consumption of artificial dyes, processed sugars and other harmful ingredients…
4 tips for a healthier Halloween 👻

Make an ‘animal-based spread’ with banana “ghosts”, kiwi “monsters” and clementine “jack-o-lanterns”. Add in some raw-milk ice-cream w/ honey and you’ve got a guaranteed spooky success. Oh, and here’s a marshmallow recipe your kids will love!
Let your kids leave their candy out at night for the “Candy Witch” who takes the candy and leaves a toy or gift in its place.
Shift the focus from candy to quality experiences… get creative and make costumes together… visit a pumpkin farm… watch spooky movies and tell ghost stories! 👻
Instead of giving out candy to trick-or-treaters, give them buttered dates… or go big and give them some of our organ supplements:

And if you truly want to scare people, then tell them the truth about seed oils.
That’s all from us this weekend.
Hit us up if you’ve got any questions for us!
The Heart & Soil Team
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