“Doctor, you have baboon brains in your beard.”
Not exactly what our founder Paul Saladino MD expected to hear that day in Tanzania.
But after spending 11 brutal hours hunting with one of the last hunter-gatherer tribes on Earth…
He wasn’t thinking about his appearance.
Because he was witnessing something FASCINATING.
See, the Hadza (one of the last true hunter-gatherer tribes, fewer than 1,000 left)…
Weren’t acting like your typical “modern meat eaters.”
No fighting over the prime cuts.
No begging for the filet mignon.
They went STRAIGHT for the organs.
Every. Single. Time.
The brains. The liver. The heart.
And here’s the fascinating part…
These weren’t just random food preferences.
All ancient cultures were OBSESSED with organs.
From the Inuit treasuring whale liver…
To the Maasai drinking fresh blood…
To Native Americans honoring the buffalo heart.
Turns out they were onto something…
And modern science has finally caught up to explain why… even though Big Pharma would prefer you didn’t know about it.
During the mid-20th Century, scientists made a remarkable discovery…
One that’s been gathering dust in obscure European medical journals for decades.
When you consume an organ, the nutrients and compounds from that organ don’t just randomly distribute throughout your body…
They can specifically target and accumulate in your corresponding organ.
This isn’t speculation. It’s documented science that’s been buried by time and corporate interests.
Why haven’t you heard about this before?
Because these groundbreaking studies were:
Published in German and French (the scientific languages of the era)…
Left untranslated and undigitized in dusty archives…
And gradually forgotten as pharmaceutical companies took control of medical research.
You see, you can’t patent food. But you can patent a pill.
As the pharmaceutical industry grew more powerful, research funding shifted away from natural solutions toward synthetic drugs.
After all, there’s more profit in creating new medications than in studying the healing properties of foods our ancestors relied on.
And so this revolutionary science was pushed aside – not because it wasn’t valid, but because it wasn’t PROFITABLE.
Here are some of the compelling studies most doctors have never seen:
- A 1958 study demonstrated that when isotope-labeled thyroid tissue was consumed, the material accumulated specifically in the recipient’s thyroid – and nowhere else in the body (Kment, 1958).
- A 1956 study discovered the same phenomenon with heart and liver tissue – the consumed material traveled directly to the matching organs (Allman, 1956).
But here’s where it gets even more fascinating…
These compounds don’t just show up – they actively STIMULATE and REVITALIZE the corresponding organ.
In clinical trials with liver tissue:
- Improved liver function in 59% of subjects
- Decreased harmful liver enzymes
- Enhanced detoxification capacity
(Santoro, 1993)
Studies on thymus consumption showed:
- Increased production of immune cells
- Enhanced CD4+/CD8+ ratios (crucial for immune function)
- Improved resistance against various conditions
(Cazzola, 1987)
Research on pancreatic tissue revealed:
- Better digestive enzyme activity than pharmaceutical alternatives
- Superior nutrient absorption
- More effective than isolated enzyme preparations
(Westermarck, 1987)
The most remarkable part?
This “organ-specific targeting” happens regardless of species.
Whether the organs come from cows, pigs, or other animals – they still support the corresponding organ in humans (Kalb, 1959).
This explains why traditional cultures were so precise about which organs they ate for specific purposes…
And it’s the foundation of everything we do at Heart & Soil.
Every formulation we create follows this ancient principle: like supports like.
▶️ When you eat liver, those nutrients can support your liver.
▶️ When you eat heart, those nutrients can support your heart.
▶️ When you eat testicle or ovaries, those nutrients can support your testicles or ovaries.
It’s more than just getting nutrients in their most bioavailable form (though that’s incredibly important).
It’s about providing targeted, specific support to the organs and systems that need it most.
This isn’t some new age theory or marketing spin.
This is wisdom passed down through thousands of generations of human history…
Validated by groundbreaking (though forgotten) scientific research…
And proven again and again by the transformative results our customers experience every day.
Our research team is also spearheading new research to further validate this science (more on that in the future)…
And it’s why we offer specific organ combinations for specific health goals, like:
Gut & Digestion – with tripe & intestines that provide targeted support for digestive health
Her Package – with ovary, uterus, and fallopian tubes that nourish female reproductive organs
Mood, Memory & Brain – with brain tissue (including the cortex, hypothalamus, and pineal gland) that supports cognitive function
You can see our full range of organ formulations in our store here >>
When you take our products, you’re not just getting random organ nutrients.
You’re rediscovering what our ancestors knew – and what modern science is finally catching up to.
Pretty incredible how nature provides exactly what we need, exactly where we need it 🙂
This week on Instagram:

This week on Radical Health Radio:

How I’m Eating in 2025” ft. Paul Saladino | Ep. 100
This week on the Blog:
How to Fix Your Circadian Rhythm (Why It’s Crucial for Health)
This week in customer reviews: Her Package
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