Issue #132: Big Food's Shocking Tactics Revealed In Court | Heart & Soil Supplements

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Issue #132: Big Food’s shocking tactics revealed in court

Hey Heart & Soil Tribe,

Kraft Heinz, Mondelez, and 9 other food giants are in the middle of a massive lawsuit alleging what we’ve suspected all along…

That they’ve been deliberately engineering ultra-processed foods to be as addictive as possible – especially to kids.

Not just through clever marketing.

Through actual brain chemistry manipulation.

The lawsuit alleges these companies have been using the exact same playbook as Big Tobacco – studying neurological pathways, testing addictive formulations, and specifically targeting our most vulnerable.

We’ve read the lawsuit, which was filed in December of last year…

And it’s shocking:

Issue #132: Big Food's shocking tactics revealed in court | Heart & Soil Supplements

The court documents allege that tobacco giant Philip Morris (now part of companies like Kraft Heinz and Mondelez) operated a secret laboratory in Germany where their chief scientist Dr. Frank Gullotta conducted brain experiments with electrodes.

Then that same scientist who studied how to make cigarettes more addictive began working with food giants like Kraft and General Foods to do the same with their processed foods.

They then conducted extensive brain experiments on rats, studying how different food combinations could trigger specific pleasure and craving responses in their nervous systems – essentially programming their brains to want more.

According to the lawsuit, Dr. Gullotta collaborated directly with food scientists to apply his findings about neural circuits to their food formulations.

They weren’t just studying taste. They were studying how to hack your brain’s reward system.

The documents show they specifically researched:

 • How electrical messages transmit through your central nervous system
 • Which neural pathways control eating behavior
 • How to trigger compulsive consumption patterns

Translation? They engineered these “foods” to override our body’s natural satiety signals.

But it gets worse.

While they were studying how to make their products more addictive, they were aggressively targeting our most vulnerable:


Internal documents show they boosted children’s marketing budgets by many multiples while slashing advertising to mothers.


Because as one Philip Morris executive said in 1987:

“We’ve decided to focus our marketing on kids where we know our strength is greatest.”

The results?

• Childhood diabetes has exploded
• Fatty liver disease is now common in kids
 • For the first time ever, diseases that were confined to elderly alcoholics are showing up in children

And in 1999, when food company executives met secretly in Minneapolis to discuss these devastating health consequences…

They chose to do nothing.

In fact, during that meeting, a Kraft executive warned the other CEOs that obesity was reaching epidemic proportions – especially among children. He told them point blank that their companies were collectively costing the U.S. over $100 billion a year in health damages.

His exact words?

“With all this, can the trial lawyers be far behind?”

He was predicting exactly what’s happening now – a wave of mass litigation against food companies, just like what happened with Big Tobacco.

But here’s the truly devastating part…

Despite this warning, despite knowing the damage they were causing…

They didn’t just continue these practices…

They doubled down. Hard.

And today, almost 2/3rds of American kids’ diets are made up of ultra-processed foods.

For the first time in human history, diseases that were once confined to elderly alcoholics are now common in kids.

This isn’t just corporate negligence.

This is a deliberate use of misleading marketing tactics, propaganda, bad science, and the media.

These companies care about profit, not our health.

But the tide isn’t just turning – it’s becoming a tidal wave.

With RFK Jr now confirmed as Health Secretary, it looks like we’ve finally got a government committed to taking on Big Food…

Issue #132: Big Food's shocking tactics revealed in court | Heart & Soil Supplements

And on a grass-roots level?

More Americans than ever are waking up, ditching processed foods and returning to REAL food.

Especially when radical health seekers like us are showing them the way.

Unlike the Big Food companies, at Heart & Soil, our integrity and customers will ALWAYS take priority over profits.

We believe in real nourishment with no illusions—just pure, powerful, real foods that support your journey to radical health.

Like Pure American Liver, which contains the world’s #1 superfood, made right here in America.

Or Animal-Based Protein. It’s the world’s cleanest protein powder, with just 3 pure ingredients – 100% grass-fed whey, collagen, and colostrum.

Our mission is to offer you the world’s highest form of nutrition while inspiring and guiding you back to radical health.

We’re 100% committed to this mission, and the people, products, and values of our company will always reflect it 🙌

The tobacco companies lost their war on public health.

These food giants will too.

And this revolution?

It starts in your kitchen.

Stay Radical,
The Heart & Soil Team

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This week on Radical Health Radio:

Issue #132: Big Food's shocking tactics revealed in court | Heart & Soil Supplements

Meet the Heart & Soil Team (Hacking Their Own Health) | Ep. 106

This week in customer reviews: Female Vitality Stack

Issue #132: Big Food's shocking tactics revealed in court | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #132: Big Food's shocking tactics revealed in court | Heart & Soil Supplements

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