Issue #134: Progress Beats Perfection (Every Single Time) | Heart & Soil Supplements

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| 3 min read

Issue #134: Progress Beats Perfection (Every Single Time)

Hey Radical Health Seeker,

Ever told yourself “I’ll get back on track with my health on Monday”?

If so, you’re caught in the all-or-nothing trap. And trust us, you’re not alone.

It’s a pattern we see constantly in our community:

You start strong. You’re crushing your animal-based diet. taking organ supplements religiously. Getting that morning sun. Feeling ALIVE.

Then life body-slams you with reality…

Issue #134: Progress Beats Perfection (Every Single Time) | Heart & Soil Supplements

Your toddler’s up all night teething, and suddenly sleep is a distant memory…

Work stress hits DEFCON 1, and you’re surviving on coffee and takeout…

Travel throws your routine completely off track…

Your CrossFit buddy convinces you to go bar hopping…

And suddenly you’re thinking:

“I’ve completely blown it. My cortisol is probably through the roof. I’ll just restart fresh next Monday when things calm down.”
(Spoiler alert: Things never really “calm down” do they?)
But that restart mentality is sabotaging your journey to radical health.

Think about the greatest athletes for a second…

You think Michael Jordan left a bad game get him off track?

No way. He immediately reset his focus for the next play.

Because champions don’t let one bad moment define them—they keep moving forward.

Yet that’s exactly what we do with our health journey when we let one “imperfect” meal turn into an entire weekend of beige foods. Or when we miss one workout and abandon exercise for two weeks.

We’re not thinking like champions.

Let’s do some quick radical health math:

If you eat 3 meals a day, that’s 21 meals per week.

Say you crush it with 19 nutrient-dense, animal-based meals…

But have 2 that were more processed than primal..

That’s still a 90% success rate!

Let’s not throw the collagen out with the bathwater here.

If you let those 2 “slip-up” meals derail you into a week of poor eating…

Now instead of 90% winning…
You’re down to 9% winning.

Want the secret to crushing your goals?

It’s not knowledge. It’s not willpower. It’s not even preparation.

It’s simply this: How fast do you get back up?

The journey to radical health isn’t about perfection – it’s about direction.


You don’t need to wait until Monday.
You don’t need a perfect streak.
You just need your next choice to align with the health you deserve.

And we’ll be right here supporting you, no matter how many restarts you need.

To radical health,

The Heart & Soil Team

P.S. If you’ve fallen off track with your organ supplements, don’t wait for the “perfect” time to restart. Place your order today, and you’ll be back on track before you know it.

This week on Instagram:

This week on Radical Health Radio:

Issue #134: Progress Beats Perfection (Every Single Time) | Heart & Soil Supplements

How to Find Your Purpose at Rock-Bottom ft. Rachel Bell | Ep. 108

This week in customer reviews: Joint Strength & Repair

Issue #134: Progress Beats Perfection (Every Single Time) | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #134: Progress Beats Perfection (Every Single Time) | Heart & Soil Supplements

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