Issue #43: Don't keep these foods at home if you want radical healthIssue - Heart & Soil Supplements

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Issue #43: Don’t keep these foods at home if you want radical healthIssue

Hey Radical Health Seekers šŸ‘‹ 

Coming up in your Radical Health Newsletter this week:

  • Why environment beats willpower
  • Create the right environment by removing these foods from your home
  • 5 animal-based foods to replace them with
  • And an unstoppable 62 yr old who might just outlive his kids

But firstā€¦

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Environment beats willpower

When James Clear, author of Atomic Habits wrote:

“Environment is the invisible hand that shapes human behavior.”

He was spot on.

Because we often think motivation and discipline determine success on our health journey, but itā€™s our environment that has the final say.

And while there are many different aspects to our environment, itā€™s the food we choose to put in it that matters most.

Because some foods will accelerate you toward radical health, and others will accelerate you toward chronic disease.

Fill your environment with the former, and your chance of success will massively increase.

But this goes beyond the physical, because changing your environment also changes how you perceive yourself.

For example, if your home contains junk food, youā€™re more likely to think of yourself as someone who eats junk food (even if itā€™s just occasionally)…

But if itā€™s filled with the foods of a Radical Health Seeker, then you will think of yourself as a Radical Health Seeker.

Make sense?

So instead of relying solely on motivation and willpower, set up your environment for success!

Common foods to remove from your environment:


Americaā€™s most popular grocery item wonā€™t help you achieve radical health. 

Most breads contain seed oils and other questionable ingredients… 

And even that artisanal sourdough you love so much is still a processed grain with gluten.

Processed meats

You might think of these as a cheap animal-based food, but the majority of processed meats, whether smoked turkey or salami arenā€™t healthy. 

While you can find higher-quality versions in good butchers and delicatessensā€¦

Most of what you find in the grocery store is filled with additives like nitrates, phosphates, and processed sugarsā€¦

And donā€™t come from well-raised animals.

Processed drinks

Energy drinks. Sports drinks. Coffee drinks. Zero calorie drinks. Zero sugar drinks. There are a TON of processed drinks on the shelves of grocery stores and it can be incredibly confusing to know whatā€™s healthy and what isnā€™t. 

But all these drinks are harmful to your health, and itā€™s best to steer clear entirely.

Okay, we could keep going down the list of foods to avoidā€¦ cookies, chips, cereals etcā€¦ 

But with 40,000+ processed food products on the market, we would soon run out of room and our collective heads would melt!

So hereā€™s what to do instead:

Avoid everything in a bag, box or package that has more than one ingredient. 

Because chances are, if it fits that criteria, then it isnā€™t real food.

Keep these food products OUT of your environment and radical health will follow.

ā€œSo what can I eat?ā€

Great question. Lots of things!

Start by filling your environment with these foundational animal-based foods and you canā€™t go wrong!

#1 Eggs šŸ“

If you can get corn and soy-free pastured eggs, awesome. But even regular eggs are far superior than the foods above. Not only are they a nutrient bomb, but they are also incredibly versatile.

Whether you like emā€™ raw, fried, poached, or scrambled, you canā€™t go wrong with 2 or 3 (or 6!) of them every day.

#2 80/20 ground beef šŸ„©

Not only is ground beef affordable, itā€™s also jam-packed with bioavailable nutrition that will help fuel your body.

Grass-fed & finished is best, but even the cheapest ground beef will be a huge upgrade from breads, pastas and frozen dinners.

#3 Raw dairy šŸ„

Thereā€™s just something special about raw dairy, which is fresh, unheated and unprocessed milk straight from the cow.

For starters, thereā€™s evidence it has natural healing properties, including strengthening the immune system and benefiting allergic conditions.

And trust us when we say that once youā€™ve tasted your first glass of fresh, creamy raw milk, youā€™ll never go back!

Pick up some from your local farmerā€™s market, or check out for a source near you. 

And donā€™t forget the butter and cheese to mix with your eggs and ground beef!

#4 Fruit & honey šŸŒšŸ„šŸŠšŸÆ

Avocados, apples, melons, bananas, squash (great for cooking)ā€¦ dates (amazing with butter)ā€¦ raw honey (milk & honey anyone?)ā€¦ they all taste incredible and are a healthy swap for cookies, cakes and chocolate.

#5 Organs šŸ‚

Organs are the most nutrient-dense foods on the planet, and will be your ā€œsecret weaponā€ in achieving radical health.

Try getting fresh liver, heart, or bone marrow from your local butcher, or get the highest quality desiccated organs from our store!

Want more grocery shopping tips?

Check out our blog:

7 Simple Tips for Animal-Based Grocery Shopping

Want to learn how to make some easy animal-based dishes?

Watch this:

But what if the people I live with arenā€™t on board with me throwing all their processed food in the trash?

This is one of the most common questions we get, and itā€™s definitely a tricky one!

Because on the one hand, if there are tempting junk foods in your home, you will need to exercise more awareness of your triggers in order to avoid eating them.

But the solution isnā€™t to throw your wife/kids/roommatesā€™ favorite chips, cereal or frozen pizza in the garbage. Because that will definitely cause conflict.

Communication is vital here, and the best thing you can do is explain why you are making these changes and ask for their support.

A good strategy is to create kitchen zones, where their foods are kept in a different cupboard so that you donā€™t see them every time you walk in the kitchen to cook a burger.

Try this for a few weeks, and before long you wonā€™t even look at those foods the same way. And even better, perhaps the people you live with will be inspired and decide to join you!

Radical Health Hero Of The Week šŸ‘Š

Meet Paul!

Heā€™s been animal-based for two years, and at 62 years old:

ā€œfeels unstoppable!ā€

He said:

My doctor was concerned about my cholesterol and wanted me on a statinā€¦

So just to make sure he was wrong about that, I got a CT calcium heart scan. 

I got the results and my score was…wait for it…ZERO!!! 

And that’s after two years of eating red meat twice a day. 

A score of zero is almost unheard of for 62-year-old males. 

Oh and my father had a heart attack and died from a failed heart so its not that I have “good” genes, its my diet and supplements. 

I am a little worried now I may outlive my kids LOL unless they get on an animal-based diet. šŸ™‚

So stoked for Paul!!! šŸ™Œ

Thatā€™s all from us this weekend šŸ‘‹šŸ¼

Stay Radical!

The Heart & Soil Team

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