Issue #61: 8 Tips To Raise Radically Healthy Kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

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Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids

Hey Radical Health Seekers 👋

Coming up in your Radical Health Newsletter this week: 

  • Our top tips for raising radically healthy kids
  • Back to school lunch ideas
  • And signing off on an AMAZING Animal-Based 30 Challenge!

Let’s GO!

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

8 tips for radically healthy kids

#1 Feed them animal foods

For optimal cognitive and physical development, we suggest feeding your kids lots of high quality animal foods. These foods are rich in nutrients like vitamins A, K2, all the B vitamins, and essential fatty acids like DHA and EPA. Kids need these nutrients to thrive! 

Go for high-fat raw dairy, pastured egg yolks, and fatty cuts of beef… add butter and salt to everything, and watch them grow as big as Texas!

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

#2 Steer clear of marketing tricks

Hooking your kids on junk food is a billion dollar business. Shrek wants to sell them Twinkies, Ronald McDonald visits them in their school, and the cereal aisle looks like the Cartoon Network.

We know these foods are loaded with processed sugars and seed oils.

We know they are devoid of the nutrients kids need.

And we know they are the reason childhood obesity and diabetes has skyrocketed. Nuff’ said.

It’s our responsibility as parents to teach them not to fall for these tricks.

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

#3 Give them carbs (the right ones)

Kids do well with carbohydrates (breast milk has plenty). But swap the processed sugars and refined carbohydrates for wholefood sources like fruit, honey, and raw milk. Make them animal-based ice cream

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

#4 Don’t force feed them vegetables

Despite what we’re told, kids do not need vegetables to thrive.

In fact, vegetables contain many defense chemicals that could be harmful for your child. For example, oxalates, which can rob them of minerals; lectins and glutens which can damage their gut, potentially triggering autoimmune issues; and digestive enzyme inhibitors that can interfere with digestion. 

And kids know what is up! They instinctively dislike vegetables! 

Listen to our founder Paul Saladino MD talk more about vegetables here.

#5 Take off the bubble wrap

We all want to protect our children, but sometimes we can overprotect them and slow their progress as a result. Allow them to take reasonable risks, and to explore their capabilities, so they can grow into strong, capable humans!

Nobody wants to end up in the hospital, but we do say let them climb the furniture, let them climb trees, hammer nails and sword fight with sticks! 

#6 Less structure, more freedom

Kids are growing up with more structure and scheduling than ever before.

Lessons, classes, playdates, and practice all leave less time for them just to be kids. The overscheduled child can suffer from a loss of creativity, burnout, and increased stress.

If your child’s schedule is looking more like a CEO’s than a kindergarteners, then it’s time to reassess.

The solution is simple. More free play, less packed schedules!

#7 Let them get their hands dirty

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

As parents, we intuitively understand that time spent outdoors in the dirt is another form of nourishment for our kids… and this is now supported by science.

Because studies show that time spent outdoors in the dirt strengthens their immune system, and can lower the risk of autoimmune diseases and allergies.

It also benefits their emotional wellbeing, reducing stress, anxiety and mental health disorders.

But despite what we know as moms and dads, the lure of digital screens and the confines of daycare can make this reality challenging.

#8 Feed them the ultimate superfoods: organs

If you want radically healthy kids, then you will want to feed them the most nutrient dense foods in the world.

This is one of the reasons why we started Heart & Soil. So that parents could have the peace of mind that comes with knowing their kids are getting the most nutritious and high quality foods on the planet.

Our products make this easier than ever. There’s no mess, no fuss, just open up the capsules and sprinkle them into their favorite foods!

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

Try starting them with Beef Organs or Bone Marrow & Liver. One to two capsules per day should be more than enough!

🚸 Back to school lunch ideas

It’s back to school time, And yes it IS possible for kids to have nutritious AND delicious packed lunches!

Here are some of our favorite animal-based lunch ideas for kids of all ages! 😋

Click on each one to see how it’s prepared!

Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements
Issue #61: 8 tips to raise radically healthy kids | Heart & Soil Supplements

Wrapping up another AB30

We are wrapping up our Animal-Based 30 Challenge in a few days, and it has been an amazing success!

Over 25,000 of you joined us…

We’ve eaten a ton of amazing food, connected over live Q&As and inside our AB30 Community…

And the last couple of weeks have been transformative.

Not only did so many of you see results in the mirror, but we’ve seen people enjoy more energy, better sleep, better moods, and real healing take place!

Animal-Based 30 will be back in January, but in the meantime, if you want some help with your journey to radical health, you can reach out to us anytime.

Have a wonderful weekend!

The Heart & Soil Team

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