Issue #98: 93 epic ways to spend more time outside this June - Heart & Soil Supplements

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Issue #98: 93 epic ways to spend more time outside this June

Happy Sunday Radical Health Seekers šŸ‘‹

And welcome to June!

Weā€™ve almost reached the midpoint of 2024, and itā€™s a great time for reflection and reassessment. 

How is your journey to radical health going?

This is also a good time to acknowledge your successes, set new goals, take a break from routine, and recharge before the second half of the yearā€¦

And since June is National Great Outdoors Month, there could be no better way to recharge than by spending some quality time outdoors.

Thatā€™s exactly what we will help you do in this weekā€™s newsletter.

In fact, since the average American spends 93% of their time indoors, weā€™re giving you 93 epic things you can do to spend more time outside this June.

93 epic ways to spend more time outside this June

#1 Get in a water balloon fight

#2 Grow sunflowers

#3 Explore a local park

#4 Walk a mile

#5 Camp someplace new

#6 Camp someplace old

#7 Park your car and walk

#8 Visit your nearest National Park

#9 Collect seashells at the beach

#10 Take your dog for an extra-long walk

#11 Run your hand through wet grass

#12 Sit on your stoop (with your friends)

#13 Watch the sunset from a rooftop

#14 See whatā€™s under a rock

#15 Count how many creatures you can identify

#16 Jump in a puddle

#17 Read a book under a tree

#18 Look for shooting stars

#19 Go exploring

#20 Take a walk at lunch

#21 Bathe in a forest

#22 Stand barefoot in the grass

#23 Run a mile at any pace

#24 Have a picnic

#25 Feel sand in your toes

#26 Plant a tree

#27 Get a grass stain

#28 Go skinnydipping

#29 Jump into a lake

#30 Hang out in a hammock

#31 Dunk your head in a waterfall

#32 Watch the moon rise

#33 Frolic in a meadow

#34 Chase your dog

#35 Play spikeball

#36 Feel the wind on your face

#37 Go paddle boarding

#38 Ride your bike like a kid again

#39 Get muddy. Like really muddy.

#40 Surround yourself with trees

#41 Walk a dry creek bed

#42 Stroll around the city

#43 Stop and smell the roses. Literally.

#44 Get saltwater in your hair

#45 Go to sleep in a tent

#46 Wake up in a tent

#47 Get a tan

#48 Take a nap in the grass

#49 Listen to the birds

#50 Dance in the rain

#51 Play catch with your kids

#52 Take your lunch break out back

#53 Visit a national park

#54 Swim in a swimming hole

#55 Swing on a swing

#56 Go on an outdoor scavenger hunt with your kids

#57 Go to your local farmers market

#58 Find the end of a rainbow

#59 Take a walk before work

#60 Take a walk after work

#61 Work outside

#62 Make dinner and eat on the deck

#63 Ride a motorbike

#64 Cook something on a camp stove

#65 Listen to the ocean

#66 Get a job working on a regenerative ranch

#67 Go bird watching

#68 Go fruit picking at a local farm

#69 Try outdoor photography

#70 Attend an outdoor concert

#71 Visit a botanical garden

#72 Go horseback riding

#73 Start an outdoor fitness routine

#74 Build a treehouse or fort

#75 Try geocaching

#76 Start a compost pile

#77 Play hide and seek

#78 Learn outdoor survival skills

#79 Watch a sports game at a local stadium

#80 Try outdoor painting or sketching

#81 Take a moonlit walk

#82 Get really good at cooking BBQ

#83 Try orienteering

#84 Make a homemade bird feeder

#85 Try mountain biking

#86 Take a hot air balloon ride

#87 Host a block party

#88 Go rollerblading

#89 See the sunrise 

#90 Learn to surf

#91 Go slacklining

#92 Create a mini golf course

#93 Just hang out in the grass

Thatā€™s all from us this weekend Heart & Soil Tribe šŸ‘‹šŸ¼

Stay Radical!

The Heart & Soil Team

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