PLEASE NOTE: The information in this blog is for educational purposes only. It is not a substitute for professional medical advice. Consult your healthcare provider if you’re seeking medical advice, diagnoses, or treatment.
Sexual health is critical to relationships and well-being.
Despite the implications, millions of people are struggling with erectile dysfunction (ED), low sex drive, low testosterone, body image concerns, and other serious challenges.

Certain statistics on the state of sexual health are downright alarming:
- 15-25% of couples experience infertility (1)
- ED is expected to impact 322 million men by 2025 (2)
- 40-50% of adult women experience sexual dysfunction (3)
- 31% of men experience sexual dysfunction (4)
- 12-19% of men of childbearing age experience ED (5)
What could be behind these grim statistics?
This article will answer this question, outline the major challenges of low libido, and provide simple strategies on how to increase libido naturally.
What Causes Low Libido?
If your sexual health isn’t where you want it to be, it’s easy to blame yourself. While some accountability is needed, there are numerous not-so-obvious issues in the modern world that can decrease your libido.
Libido and sexual health in general are impacted by countless factors, including:
- Chronic Diseases (6)
- Poor Diet (7)
- Stress (8)
- Circadian Diseases (9)
- Environmental Toxin Exposure (10)
- Vitamin D Deficiency (11)
- Iron Deficiency (12)
- Trauma (13)
- Depression & Anxiety (14)
- Medications (15)
- Body Image Concerns (16)
- Relationship Problems (17)
- Electromagnetic Fields (EMF) exposure (18)
- Physical Inactivity OR Excessive Exercise (19)
- Aging (20)
- Poor Sleep (21)
Challenges related to sexual health are often accompanied by chronic diseases like insulin resistance, obesity, and cardiovascular disorders (22, 23). Erectile dysfunction may even be a warning sign for diabetes and cardiovascular disease development (24).
The good news is that many of the roadblocks to a thriving libido and sexual functioning can be removed by altering your diet, lifestyle, and other daily habits.
How to Increase Libido Naturally: 12 Strategies to Consider
There are many ways to improve your libido naturally, including:
1. Eat a Nutrient-Dense Diet
Sexual dysfunction and the average Western diet of refined carbs and highly processed foods are connected (25). Cleaning up your diet (more on this below) can lead to dramatic improvements in weight, body image, heart health, and other important contributors to sexual health.
2. Prioritize Sleep

Sleep is critical for so many areas of health, and libido is no exception (26).
Many studies have discovered that poor sleep can contribute to decreased testosterone levels (27). Plus, sleep disorders like insomnia or sleep apnea can be closely linked to sexual dysfunction and lowered libido (28, 29).
Sleep can be optimized by spending time outside throughout the day, limiting technology at night, monitoring caffeine intake, and sticking to a nighttime routine.
3. Limit Stress Levels
Stress can have a notable impact on sexual function, and life stressors are a consistent reason for low libido (30, 31). At the same time, low sex drive or other sexual struggles can be a major stressor (32).
Identifying and addressing family, work, or relationship-related stressors can help you reconnect to sexual cues (33).
4. Find Balance With Exercise
Leading a sedentary lifestyle is connected to a wide range of negative health outcomes, one being sexual problems (34).
Like anything, balance is crucial when it comes to exercise.
For men, regular exercise can improve erectile function (35, 36). At the same time, chronic intense exercise may hinder libido (37, 38). For women, improving cardiovascular function can lead to better arousal and fight the sexual side effects of antidepressants (39, 40).
Exercise can also benefit the nervous system and hormones involved in arousal and sexual function (41). Find the style of exercise that suits you best and make it a fixture in your life.
5. Embrace Sunlight

One of the many benefits of sun exposure is enhanced romantic passion (42). For one, vitamin D, which can mainly be obtained through sun exposure, is critical for sexual function (43). Higher levels of vitamin D generally pair with higher levels of testosterone (44).
6. Optimize Your Circadian Rhythm
Circadian disruption from shift work, poor sleep habits, or jet lag may interfere with testosterone release and increase the risk of ED, obesity, and type 2 diabetes (45).
Improving your circadian rhythm can be as simple as avoiding devices at night, spending time outside throughout the day, and having a consistent sleep routine.
7. Focus on Weight Loss

Around 2 billion people are obese globally, and this can lead to a reduction in sexual activity and arousal (46, 47). Compared to a healthy body mass index (BMI), men with a high BMI had a 30% greater risk of erectile dysfunction (48).
Focusing on weight loss can quickly improve sexual health (49, 50, 51).
8. Improve Your Gut Health
Sexual dysfunction can result from chronic illnesses such as inflammatory bowel disease (52). A damaged gut may also hinder your ability to absorb key nutrients (53).
Removing gut irritants, eating nutrient rich foods, toxin reduction, and sun exposure can all help improve your gut health.
9. Address Environmental Toxins
Environmental toxins are widespread in the modern environment, including food, water, air, and everyday products (54).
In particular, heavy metals and mycotoxins are some of the most prevalent concerns.
Heavy metals (such as lead) can interfere with cellular function and accumulate in the body (55, 56). These metals can disrupt endocrine function and sex hormones (57, 58).
Mycotoxins are fungal products found in food that can lead to disease in humans and animals. They also directly impact Leydig cells, which play a key role in testosterone production (59).
Carefully selecting your foods (choosing organic to minimize pesticide exposure), implementing detox techniques, eating a nutrient-dense diet, and working with a medical professional can all help alleviate these challenges.
10. Pay Attention to Tech Usage

Reducing your exposure to EMFs can be a less obvious way to improve your libido. Electromagnetic fields (EMFs) have been shown to negatively affect sex hormone levels and may reduce testosterone (60, 61).
Simple tips include utilizing airplane mode, faraday bags, and simply spending time away from phones, computers, and other electronics.
11. Identify and Address Nutrient Deficiencies
Vitamin or mineral deficiencies may contribute to low libido.
Studies on men with ED have shown that large portions of patients are deficient in vitamin D (62, 63). For women, low levels of vitamin D can be connected to lower sexual desire and satisfaction (64). Sexual impairment may also be worsened by iron deficiency or iron overload (65, 66, 67).
12. Discuss Your Medications With a Medical Professional
Medications for diabetes, hypertension, depression, and other challenges may negatively impact libido (68, 69, 70). It may be helpful to work with your medical professional to find an alternative or strategize a plan to taper off a medication that’s impairing your libido.
The Animal-Based Diet & Sexual Health
Focusing on animal proteins, organ meats, dairy, and low-toxicity carbohydrates such as fruit – many of the key components of an animal-based diet – can support libido and sexual health.
One study determined that men who consumed organ meats had a higher total sperm count, motility, and sperm concentration (71). Vitamin A, found in the liver and other organ meats, is also important for reproduction (72).
Organ supplements such as Whole Package have hundreds of raving reviews, such as this one from Mileni:

Fish, dairy, shellfish, and poultry can also benefit sexual health. In particular, oysters have been treasured for thousands of years, and their high levels of zinc can support testosterone creation (73).
Fruit is another staple of the animal-based diet that can help improve your libido. Avocados (yes, they’re a fruit) are a known aphrodisiac abundant in vitamins and minerals that can boost sexual desire (74). Even watermelon and apples can enhance male fertility and sexual health (75)!
Honey is a popular component of the animal-based diet that has been used traditionally to enhance fertility, and it can boost libido (76, 77, 78).
So, the animal-based diet can provide bioavailable nutrients that support libido.
All is Not Lost: You Can Reclaim Your Libido & Sexual Health
The importance of a healthy libido should not be overlooked.
Not only is intimacy a key component of relationships, but a low libido also can serve as a warning sign that your health has already gone awry and may signal that more serious challenges are over the horizon.
Writing off a poor libido to aging is not as simple as it seems. Libido can be influenced heavily by diet, sleep quality, relationship difficulties, a sedentary lifestyle, and stressors such as environmental toxins.
Thankfully, there are steps that can be taken at all stages of life to promote sexual health and boost your libido.
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